
The defensive knight, survival expert extraordinaire, whose blocking skills are so fancy, he turns close-quarters combat into a high-stakes dance-off.

The dual-axe berserker, a walking moving-supply store with short to long range attacks so fierce.

The stealthy assassin with a gift for attacking speed and high critical chance—apparently, survival skills were lack of in the assassin's job guide.

The archer class, reigning supreme in long-range attacks and proving that when it comes to battle, they always have the upper hand—especially if the ground is feeling a bit uneven.

Behold the support class, the true MVP of healing and control—basically, the real deal when it comes to keeping the team alive and well, the ultimate band-aid dispenser.

The icy monarch wielding a massive sword—sure, he moves at a snail's pace, but when he swings, it's like the grand finale of a fireworks show. Up close, he's the ultimate meat grinder in action.

The puppet girl with a penchant for scythes, a nimble class that excels at the delicate art of damaging enemy from mid to long range—because nothing says combat finesse like a puppet with a giant blade.

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