
Avatar's Base Attributes

Attack: Gauges the character's damage-dealing prowess.

Health: Life points, when it drops to 0, avatar would be dead.

Defense: Damage reduction coefficient, the higher the defense, the higher the percentage of damage reduction. (Tips: distinguish with Armor.)

Armor: Armor is equivalent to extra life points, when the armor value drop to 0, it enters the state of armor-broken.

Critical: A chance that do critical hit your opponents up with 1.5x damage.

Piercing: Extra damage to armor value.

Toughness: Reduces the chance of being struck by critical hit.

Rage: full rage can be consumed to amplify ultra skill, accumulate rage during fights with creature or avatars.

Hidden Base Attributes

Jungling: Additional damage to wild creature.

Move Speed:There are subtle differences in movement speed between Avatars.

Action bar: Have maximum cap ,and can be consumed to jump, dash and dodge.

Special rules for armor-broken

When the armor decreases to 0, it trigger the armor breaking effect, makes your avatar in a hard state, within which avatar will not be manipulated by you.

There are 3 layers of armor in total, and if all of them are broken, you will lose Health when you are attacked again.

Class Skills

Avatars under different classes have the same skills, the strength of the skills depends on the base attributes.

Avatar Talents

Avatars under different Classes have unique talents, which can be activated via consuming war spirit.

Tips: Different avatars under same class don't share the talents.

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